Monday, May 19, 2008


Well, I am officially done with college... for the time being. Saturday was the ceremony. I was one of 464 students who graduated from the science and allied health college. Now off into the real world. Today I had orientation at Mayo for my .5 FTE clinical assistant position in general internal medicine. Not what I had planned on doing after getting a degree, but it has benefits and pay I can survive off of. The first 6-8 are full time but after that my schedule is pretty sweet. I work one week full time and then have a week off... it is a "Mayo" week though so it starts on Wednesday and ends on a Tuesday. I suppose I can't do that forever, but now it sounds pretty nice :) I am thinking I will be heading off to grad school in the near future, but I don't know what I should get my masters in. Any suggestions?? It needs to be health related if I want to get assistance from Mayo though so keep that in mind. Crazy to think so many of us are going to be done with school... at least for a little while. Congrats to all of you. Hope to see you Rochester people soon!

1 comment:

Hermitude said...

Congrats on getting a job!! I didn't realize you had found one with Mayo. I'll be in Rochester this coming weekend, maybe we can hang out?