Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nothing much happening in my life. I'm living with three other girls in the campus appartments this semester. So far it has been working out well. I really like having my own room. My roommates are nice... a lot more "out going" than me, but that is probably a good thing. My classes are ok too. I basically have tons of big projects and papers. I prefer tests to papers, but I guess I better get used to it since my job is going to be projects 24/7.

Even though I don't live with Sara anymore we try to get together 1 or 2 times per week. I think she is a little lonely in her appartment because Phil, her husband, is student teaching and working full time. I am glad we are able to do stuff still even if it is only for a couple of hours and I think she appreciates getting out of the appartment.

I am trying to get my spring preceptorship set up. The process is really slow and frusterating. My advisor who is in charge of setting up the interview with my site, the Mayo Healthly Living Center, is really draggin' his feet. It is getting very annoying, but I am hanging in there. He is probably getting a little annoyed with me too since I have been e-mailing/calling him almost every day. I don't think it will get done if I don't do that though.

1 comment:

Hermitude said...

I hope you get the Mayo internship! It would be fun to go back to Rochester some weekends and hang out with you. :)
Speaking of which, are you going back to Rochester some weekend?