Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I can't believe I have been here for 16 days already! It is weird how it seems like it has been forever, but not really... its too hard to explain. Anyway my stay in Ireland has been amazing. The first week was absolutely beautiful! The temperature was around 70 degrees and it was sunny every day! This past week and this week have been pretty nasty out with cold and rain. But I guess that is what Ireland is really suppose to be like.

We have taken several day trips on Wednesdays and this weekend we are staying in Dublin for the Pride Parade. Apparently Bono is going to be there so it gets really busy and crazy with tourists trying to see him. Not that I am a big fan of his, but it would be cool to see him. The parade should be an interesting experience too. I guess there is some wild costumes to be seen :) On our Wednesday trips we have gone and will go to Kylemore Abbey, Connamara, the Aran Islands, and the Cliffs of Moher. Actually I have been to them all because one of Lisa's friends (girl I am staying with), visited us the first week so we went to the Cliffs with her. That is our trip for tomorrow now. Anyway I am so glad we went then because the weather was perfect and tomorrow's looks much less than perfect. Thunderstorms all day so it will be a little more difficult to see the Cliffs in their full glory!

I can't believe how expensive things are here! The exchange rate is $1.43 per euro :( Makes me sad... going out to dinner for just a sandwich ends us costing $9! A bit of a rip off in my opinion. If you go to the grocery store it isn't as bad, but it still burns a hole in your pocket. I am a little envious of Lizard's situation in China where everything was super cheap. I love a good bargain!

Hmm... there isn't a whole lot else new. I can't wait to get all my pictures developed and show you guys where I have been! I would upload them onto Facebook, but I don't have a computer here so that is kind of impossible. I miss my computer a little :(

Be back in the states in 10 days!

1 comment:

Hermitude said...

Ireland sounds beautiful! You and Susan will have to compare. Yes, the exchange rate sounds painful. We'll have to go to China sometime =)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to when you return! I can't wait to see your pictures and hear about Ireland.