Saturday, September 30, 2006


So I work this weekend, and so far it has been pretty dull. The last two nights I got to run the cash register though, which is by far my most favorite duty! Scanning things is so much fun :) Yesterday morning I was super productive and wrote a 7 page paper in 2 1/2 hours! And it isn't due for another month! Yeah for getting things done super early. This morning I worked a Lit. study guide for a test I have next week. I really don't quite know how to study for a lit. exam. I have read the books and gone through questions asked in class, but what else can you do??? Any suggestions for you englishy people? Or don't you study at all for those types of exams? This weekend is Oktoberfest in LaCrosse so things are probably going to be pretty crazy in the dorms tonight. All I ever hear people talking about while working is going out to drink at the festivities. I have yet to even go to the fest grounds for the past 3 years of living here. Maybe next year I will check it out. Well, I have to be going now. Have a splendid weekend!


Susan K. said...

The whole drinking-is-the-only-thing-you-hear-about... that is like here every weekend. And every Tuesday, because a lot of people don't have Wednesday classes. Fun, isn't it? We should get the Roch group together this summer and go out some time. You know, cause we'll be legal and all. And inexperienced. It'll be funny. Because drink makes things funny. ANYway.

Anonymous said...

Is the lit test a test to see if you read the books or is it more of an analysis/essay type thing? If it's to see if you read the books, I would just try to go over the main characters and main plot points, and maybe any recurring themes/motifs that were really obvious.