Sunday, October 10, 2004


Guten Morgen! Wie gehts? My week was very busy and crazy. I had tons of homework and things to go to in the evenings. Tired.... zzzzz zzzz zzz. Anyway, yesterday was my day to do no homework, but I was still very productive. In the early afternoon I went to my cousin's house in LaCresent, which is 10 min. away. We did laundry together because she is in college now too and she came home from Winona. After that we went to her old Catholic school in Hokah, MN. This is where my mom went to school too along with my grandparents. It is really tiny. Every two grades combines, and each grade has less than 10 kids in it. Anyway... they were having a roast beef dinner to raise money for the school and you wouldn't believe how much food they had. I was a waitress and sat people down and served beverages. There must have been at least 3000 people that came. The dinner started at 4 and went to 8 but we ran out of beef at 7 so we had to start to turn away people. Those people were not happy campers. I also met some of my cousin Angie's friends and one girl is going to college in Iowa to become a court reporter. I thought, "who in the world thinks of becoming a court reporter?!?!?" She seems to really like it though and she brought the little machine she types on and it is so weird. I can't even explain it... there are only like 20 keys and when ever she types she does it phonetically. It looks confusing but she claims it is really easy.

This week I had so much homework I could have hurled!! My evil history teacher was as mean as ever. She had an optional mid-term on Friday... I didn't take it because I knew it would be impossible and thought why stress myself out. There really wasn't an incentive to take the mid-term anyway. On Thursday morning I wrote a 6 page paper for history and a short 2 page paper for speech. When I was done I was so excited I vacuumed my room :c) hehehee Don't know why I thought that would be the best way to celebrate but what the hey.

Friday I went to see Spiderman 2 with Sara (roommate) and her boyfriend Phil. It was pretty good I thought and we had pizza because the theater we went to serves everything and the movies are really cheap!!! Only $3!! The actual theater is in kind of rough shape. The seats are ripped but I can handle that if it is ONLY $3!

Today my mom and Grandma Larson are coming to have brunch with me because it is Family Weekend. After brunch I think we will probably play games or something. My Grandma loves to play cards... so I am sure she will love that idea. I hope we can go buy milk too because if you buy milk on campus it is really expensive. I am soooo cheap!

Well, I suppose I should spruce up the room a little bit... make the bed basically, so when they come to see me they see a clean dorm. My mom told me she would always expect a clean and tidy room when she came to visit :c) Doesn't that sound just like a mom. I hope you all are doing ok... in fact great. Talk to you all soon I hope! :c)


Susan K. said...

Hahaha, my movies are only $2, with free (wierd-stale) popcorn!

Cookie Queen said...

You stink Sue! I want free popcorn too :c(