Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Get Out and VOTE!!!!

Hello all my fine feathered friends! How has the week been going for you all? Well, I have lots of political news so if you hate politics and are tired of hearing all this stop reading :c) Ok... here I go. So last night in the basement of my hall one of the RAs put a program on ... and it was a debate between two very educated democratic students and two educated republican students. Anyway both parties spoke very diligently about their party and candidate for president. Well, I was probably not going in with the possibility of having my mind changed by this, so of course I was still on the side of the democrats and I thought they debated very well... and came on strong. Here comes the exciting part... I was sitting with one of my fellow clarinets, and she had told me earlier this semester that she would be voting for G. Bush. I didn't say anything about how I was for Kerry thinking that I don't want to get in a political brawl. But, last night after the debate she said that it actually changed her mind!!!! OH my GOODNESS!!! Debates really do make a difference :c) I was so excited last night that I didn't fall asleep until midnight or later. I was just elated to know that voicing your opinion really does make a difference. My political stories go on to today. I was told during my speech class at 1 p.m. that there was going to be a Kerry rally on campus and the theme was going to be environmental issues. The catch was that it was during my speech class, but our speech teacher was so cool and said that if the whole class went then we could go... well, no matter what side you are on... Bush or Kerry... every kid wants to get out of class so the class agreed to go. The line to get in was huge... and a big part of the reason was that Leonardo DiCaprio was going to be the last main speaker of the rally! Obviously this probably brought a lot of people, not just Kerry supporters, and it also brought a huge population of girls!! I am not kidding a guy was probably 1 in 10 of the crowd. The rally was great and got most of the crowd really pumped-up and excited. I had an awesome time and got a Kerry Edwards sign to put up in a window.... an extra little bonus! hehehe Well, I have been so distracted today that I haven't gotten much homework done so I should work on that. Tonight is the last debate so I encourage you all to watch it!! Oh yeah... and don't forget to vote!

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