Friday, June 10, 2005

I fought with the tub and lost

Well, I had an embarrassing and painful moment yesterday. You know how they say Elvis died on the toilet?!? Well, I acted that seen out too. I was sitting on the toilet... got faint... put my head between my legs in hopes of preventing fainting. Then I wake up in the bathtub. How I got in the bathtub I have know idea. It was so weird. It was like I was dreaming and then woke up and expected to be in my bed. When I finally figured out what happened I got up and noticed that there was a puddle of blood in the bathtub. I freaked out and touched the back of my head and realized I must of hit my head. I was home alone so I called the neighbor lady I know really well and she came over and took care of me and called my mom to come home. I went to the ER and only had to get one staple in my head. I am just fine now. Feel healthy as a horse... but it was really really really scary when it happened. Well, that is all the news I know. Hope all is well. Don't faint on the toilet!!!


Anonymous said...

abby!!! don't kill yourself!!! why did you faint?? aaaaahhhh!! did the bathtub have water in it? man. you should be careful! -saka2

Cookie Queen said...

there was no water in the tub thankgoodness... I don't really know why I fainted :( The Dr. said I have a "good" autonomic nervous system though :)

Susan K. said...

I will really, really try not to faint on the toilet.

It should help that I haven't fainted, ever, to-date, but you just NEVER know.

Cookie Queen said...

it might have been because of the heat or something... but I have felt faint before... just haven't actually fainted till now

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