Thursday, September 30, 2004

Christmas in September!

Ok... so my Christmas mood has already set in. Actually its a new record... Usually I start feeling like this in August. I waited a whole 2 months! Right now I am listening to my CD of old Christmas classics. Truly puts me in the festive spirit. Today I have my big Biology test and I have been studying continuously, but sadly I don't know why because I feel I know it all really well. I think I feel guilty if I don't study. Tonight is the big night ... The DEBATE!!! YEAH! I am so excited and am going to watch it and enjoy tasty cookies and snacks during it. It is going to be a regular party by myself :c( It seems everyone in my dorm is republican and I don't want to get into any fights so I will be viewing it alone. The recent poll numbers are really making me nervous. All of them put Bush ahead by like 10%. What is with people these days? Yesterday I got an e-mail that was saying that Bush planned to establish the draft next spring if he is elected president again. Do you think this is a crock or true? It also said that being in college would not exempt people. This really scares me if it is true... I think I would get physically sick if this happened. This weekend I am going home again, but with Kristi so it should be lots of fun. We are going to go see Ms. Baker and I am going to try and get my clay piece back. I will try to get Susan and Sarah's too if she lets me and has them there actually. I am also going to go to the parade and the game... but it is suppose to be really cold and rainy so I might leave early after the band plays at the game. Then I am going to go see the Gophers play and see the band on Saturday night!!!! I am really really excited... I will get to see Lizard, Kelsey, Meg (maybe), Chris M., and Nick M. Yippy! Well, now I feel guilty for not studying for Bio. so I should probably go. I will talk to you all soon! Love ya!


Susan K. said...

Hey Abbers!
Doesn't LaCross have a Democrat club? If not, you should make one. Then you can talk with them all you want about politics, and they will agree with you. =)
I bet your study habits are going to make you really successful in college. You are a role model to us all. Even we are sometimes frightened by your commitment to succeed.
Hey, good luck getting our clay stuff back! *crosses fingers*
Polls are fickle things. If they make you sad, ignore them. They change all the time anyway. Hopefully, they will especially change towards Democrats after tonight. "Bush is Scary, we want Kerry!"

Susan K. said...

Oops. I left out an "if".
Even if we are sometimes scared of your commitment. Not all the time. Just... sometimes. If. Yup.